The Fellowship of Baptist Educators is a service organization of more than 900 Baptist educators who use their educational skills to fulfill the Great Commission. Some members teach overseas either in person or via online; some work with internationals in the States; and, others send Bibles and books to overseas schools and Seminaries.
They teach in public schools, private schools, universities and seminaries. Some work with MKs to provide specialize support in difficult subjects. Our membership includes coaches, librarians, administrators, and specialists in many fields. They range in age from recent graduates to those long retired. What they all share is a love for Christ and for using their teaching skills in fulfilling his Great Commission.
If you are an educator who is interested in missions, we invite you to join us. Membership is open to members of Baptist churches. Members of other Christian churches may become associate members and receive the newsletter and notification of opportunities to serve. There is no membership fee structure, but members are asked to contribute each year to cover publication expenses. All officers are volunteers.
Our newsletter, Educomis, is mailed periodically (a copy is posted online) and provides information about long and short-term missionary teaching opportunities in cooperation with the International Mission Board and other Baptist conventions and unions, and schools all over the world. We also share staff needs from many Christian schools around the world that educate children of missionaries, international business people, and embassy personnel. Between issues, the Fellowship of Baptist Educators sends information about special urgent needs directly to members who have the needed skills (please make sure to email us with any updates to your contact information).